Cooking for a Cause

Perhaps you are wondering what to give that cook/food lover in your life for Christmas.  There are the obvious choices of fun kitchen gadgets, restaurant gift cards, and foodie friendly gift baskets.  Have you ever considered a cooking class?

Maybe you are wondering how to incorporate raw foods or vegan dishes into your diet.  Or maybe you want to learn to cook some of your favorite steakhouse meals.  So what am I getting at here?  Beginning in January, The Chubby Cook will be offering a variety of cooking classes ranging from raw foods to “Basics of Braising” to “Learn to bake with the Pie Lady”.  There is something for everyone.  I just may take the pie one myself (who’s joining me?). 

Classes are $65 and can fit into anyone’s schedule.  The complete schedule and how to sign up can be found here.  Also, The Chubby Cook has agreed to donate 40% of the cost of the cooking class to my Liver Life Challenge fundraising goal for any January class.  When you check out, enter the code: 

ALF2012 by “gift certificates and coupon codes”.  Not only will you be giving a great gift to a loved one (or yourself) but you will be helping the over 30 million Americans and their families who are battling liver diseases.

From The Chubby Cook’s                       

I responded to a posting by The Chubby Cook in regards to fundraising with cooking classes.  I was invited to a media preview back.  In the spring to see what The Chubby Cook was all about.  I am participating in Liver Life Challenge by choice.  All opinions are my own.

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