Boasting of having the most UNESCO sites in the world, this cultural centre of the world is considered as being the cornerstone of Western culture, together with Greece. Whether it’s luxury, art, technology, cuisine or gorgeous nature, no country in the world can show such displays of culture and refined civilisation quite like Italy can. Here we list down 4-holiday ideas for your vacation to Italy. Whether you’re heading to this fine country for its luxury shopping or stunning architecture, you are sure to enjoy your holiday in Italy.
Holiday in Italy – Visit Italy’s Capital, Milan
Starting with the capital of Milan, the traveller is bombarded in every corner by beautiful buildings and equally beautiful people. Known as the fashion and design capital of the world, it contains some of the most exquisite architectural designs, one of which is the impressive Duomo di Milano, or Milan Cathedral. Dumo di Milano is a visit on your holiday to Italy as it is not only the largest cathedral in Italy but also the fourth largest in the world. It is a painstaking labour of love stretched over six centuries. Grand in style, it is heavily influenced by the Gothic architectural design, of which the roof is famous for the myriad of openwork pinnacles and spires, set upon delicate flying buttresses. This is open to visitors for them to catch a close-up of the spectacular sculptural designs. Inside, it contains the largest pipe organ in all of Italy, a massive 225-rank organ.
Holiday in Italy – Enjoy the best Italian wines at Tuscany
Besides its fine cuisine, Italy is also well-known for its excellent wine. While in Italy, head to Tuscany to savour the best of Italy’s wine. Tuscany is Italy’s most famous wine-growing region and home to the world-famous Chianti wines. Also famous for its stunning landscape and the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, it produced geniuses such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo and Michelangelo. A spectrum of popular tourist attractions and sights are available, one of the most famous ones includes the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the Pisa province.
Admire the many Italian artworks at the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi
Travellers can also visit the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built on a hill known as the “Hill of Paradise”. One of the most important places of Christian pilgrimage, it is divided into the Upper and Lower Church due to its sprawling mass. Richly decorated and containing a huge range of artworks, it has a special significance to the development of Italian art.
Holiday in Italy – Head South of Italy to visit the Trevi Fountain
Also, travellers visiting Italy should not miss out on the famed Trevi Fountain. Venture down South to visit the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous in the world. There is a traditional legend that says that should visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they will one day return to Rome, so remember to make a wish and drop a coin in!