Article Marketing Definition- Writing articles on topics that interest the same target audience that buys your product or service or writing authoritative articles that help establish you as an expert in your field. Then distributing those articles through Article Directories for syndication, reprint, or reuse on other websites, blogs, newsgroups, and newsletters or evinces. When your articles are reprinted on other websites and blogs, the links in the author bio or resource box that go to your website are included. That means the website or blog that reprinted your article now links to you. Article Marketing is a great way to build link popularity and even to build more traffic to your website. Article Marketing also helps you with image building and branding.
Article Submissions Definition- Websites that use Article Directory Software like Article Dashboard accept articles people submit to them and offer that content for syndication or reprint by other webmasters or website owners. There are usually guidelines and an approval process.
Authoritative Link Definition- this has become the authoritative usplayercheck.com site for many key phrases because so many people link to it when talking about topics that are covered by Wikipedia. An authoritative link is not one that is placed in the blog roll of a blog, the sidebar, or the top navigation of a webpage. An example of creating an authoritative link would be writing content in your blog, website, or article, and within that content writing something like, “according to ” or “from t” as a source for your information. These types of links to your website are much more valuable than links added to blog rolls or website navigation. If enough people link to your website that way, your website may become an authoritative website for a particular keyphrase.
Authoritative Website Definition – When a website or webpage becomes a source that many people link to because of the content, that web page or website becomes authoritative for that particular type of information or for information associated with a particular key phrase. People generally think there are only a few authoritative web pages or websites. In reality, there can be an unlimited number of authoritative web pages on the Internet. For every specific keyphrase, you can think of, a particular web page or website can be the authority for that search term. For example: In Google typing the phrase, Article Content Provider, you will see the first result is for Article. You will see that not only is it number 1, but it also has an index of different pages on that website. If you were to type in another key phrase and that same website comes up in the results, it will not have those additional links to individual pages within that website. That means that website is the authority for the first key phrase, but not for other key phrases.
Backlink Definition – Links from other websites like big win online casinos to your website or webpage. Having a high number of links to your web pages will help you rank higher in the search engines for your keywords. Natural backlinks are those that occur because someone finds your content useful to their visitors and links to you for free just for the value you provide their visitors. Because backlinks are so important, many companies began to just buy text links everywhere they could. Google and possibly other search engines have now caught up with paid links and will not count those links toward your link popularity if they know or suspect it is a paid link. Site-wide links (Links on every page of a website linking to you) are also discounted.
Link Bait, Viral Marketing, and other methods of gaining those important backlinks are constantly being employed to varying degrees of success and the best methods for gaining links are always open for debate. However, natural backlinks that you get because you have a great service or source of information remain the number one way to gain backlinks. It may not happen as fast, but those links are never discounted by search engines.